Super-Cat and the Goldfinch

I recently talked about my "mostly outdoors cat". Today she features in my banter as well, since she's responsible for the beautiful little bird, recently killed, that I found on my back door mat. It was the most beautiful little canary-like bird. I was sorry my "Cat-among-cats" had killed it, but can't blame her for doing what instinct dictates.

I looked the little bird up, and found that it was an American Goldfinch, What was particularly striking about this was that when I listened to the recorded "call" of the Goldfinch, I heard it echoed through my open window. It eats seed from the trees in my backyard, and is probably nesting here now, or WAS. It seemed odd to me that a bird would be nesting this late in the year, but the website, above, confirms it.

I have a vague recollection of my mother talking about American Goldfinches around her house years ago, so this definitely sounds right. This is the first time I've used my Complete Birds of North America, edited by Johathan Alderfer for National Geographic. What does it say about me that my bird watching activities center on those my cat brings in? Looks like I'm not getting out enough! Or, even worse, I'm not even looking out the window enough!