Yep. There's a big yellow smoking monster in the beautiful wood behind my house wrecking havoc. I feel sick. I can't understand why anyone would want to knock down all the beautiful old trees where the deer live.
And there's nothing I can do about it. The rich man up the road bought the house and land next door, and he's going to make it look like the rest of his park-land with pastures full of expensive cattle. That's what it's all about for him, it seems. Appearance. He's a lawyer in the big city, and this little ranching business is really a hobby for his wife.
They've already filled in the pond behind the house. I guess all those frogs and turtles and snakes just died. It's been so hot here, I can't believe any of them survived. Now the deer, coyotes, possums, squirrels and raccoons will be scurrying around trying to figure out where to run.
The birds will be leaving us too.
This is progress.