They Make TV Exposure Pay Off

They Make TV Exposure Pay Off

We've all wondered about those "endorsement deals" atheletes make... This article delves into that subject as it relates to the "X Games" atheletes. At the same time, it points to the fact that extreme sports are edging into the mainstream.

This article reports that, "The number of skateboarders in the country jumped 47% to nearly 11 million in the six years leading up to 2004. The Sporting Goods Manufacturers Assn. also reports that snowboarding grew by 30% to more than 7 million participants in the same period."

While numbers of extreme sports participants are up, inequalities in the figures that relate to endorsement deals are appearing, because of consolidation among manufacturers. There are just not as many sponsors as there used to be. To compensate, one promoter is upping the prize money, so that less known competitors are not left out of the money.

My feelings are mixed about the extreme sports going mainstream. If everybody is "doing it" and making big bucks from it, will it still be "extreme"?