If They Had Their Way, Free Municipal Wifi Would Never See the Light of Day - Reported by Aunty Spam's Net Patrol

If They Had Their Way, Free Municipal Wifi Would Never See the Light of Day - Reported by Aunty Spam's Net Patrol

I know a lot of my readers make regular use of Wifi. And when I learned about Auntie Spam's Net Patrol through Scambusters.org, I sat up and took notice. There's a great interview with Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. Anne is a Professor of Internet Law at Lincoln Law School of San Jose, entitled Evil Twins - The Newest Dangerous Thing People Do on the Internet That Doesn't Seem Dangerous at All. It's issue #129 at Scambusters. Ths gist of this new scam is that you think you're connecting to a safe public wifi service, but instead an "evil twin" run by a bad guy is logging your sensitive information for future use.

(I didn't link to the article I'm referencing because it's not available on the Scambusters website yet. It will be in the next day or two, I'm sure. Meanwhile, I thought you might like to subscribe to Aunty Spam's newsletter.)

This one is important guys! It is so simple it's scary. I mean, I think even I might be smart enough to perpetrate this form of identity theft, and I'm over 40!