Guatemala is HOT right now

Guatemala, out of the shadows

Having lived in a number of "unspoiled" little places in the world, I tend to keep my ears tuned to catch any news about where the latest "unspoiled discovery" is located. Funny isn't it, that while an area is completely "undiscovered", it is not as desirable as when it first emerges and begins to receive publicity. The reason for this is obvious -- until tourist dollars start to flow into a place, it remains undeveloped as well as undiscovered. This means poor communications, poor electricity, poor plumbing, poor roads, and poor health care facilities.

Lately, the buzz is all about Guatemala. I've been hearing about it as a good investment for people who want to retire abroad for the past year or so, and just now, the LA Times has published an article about it as a good Adventure Tourism destination. If we look at some other Central American countries' recent histories, like Costa Rica, we'll see that if you want to invest, you'd better hurry! And if you want to visit while it's still unspoiled, it's almost too late already if it's getting write-ups in the major US Dailies!

Back when I lived on Nevis, we used to tell visitors, "If you enjoyed your stay here, DON'T tell anybody about it!"